Section 1.1. The name of this Rotary Fellowship shall be the Rotarian Fellowship of Quilters
and Fiber Artists, hereinafter known as “RFQFA”
Section 2.1. The purpose of the RFQFA is to promote the sharing of ideas and new
techniques for members who enjoy the use of fiber as an art form. It will also promote an
appreciation of fiber arts in all cultures throughout our history.
The RFQFA will promote understanding and friendship with Rotarians, partners of
Rotarians, Rotaractors, Inner Wheel and Peace Fellows worldwide who share a common
interest in all forms of fiber art.
The RFQFA shall operate in compliance with Rotary International’s policies for Rotary
Fellowships, but it shall not be an agency of, or controlled by, Rotary International.
Section 3.1. Membership in the RFQFA is open to all Rotarians, partners of Rotarians,
Rotaractors, Inner Wheel and Peace Fellows who have an interest in any form of fiber art.
Section 3.2. Types of Membership: There shall be two types of memberships:
Annual—Dues are paid yearly. Membership year begins July 1.
Lifetime—Dues are paid one time only and are valid for the lifetime of the member.
Dues amounts will be determined by the Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting and
listed in the Policies and Procedures.
Section 3.3 The Board of Directors, by affirmative vote of two-thirds, may suspend or
terminate a membership for cause after an appropriate hearing.
Section 4.1. The RFQFA’s officers are a Chair (must be an active Rotarian in good
standing), Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. The terms of officers shall be two years
and shall coincide with the Rotary year, July 1 through June 30.
ARTICLE V – BOARD OF DIRECTORSMay 22, 2021 RFQFA Bylaws 2 of 5
Section 5.1. The RFQFA shall be governed by a Board of Directors (“Board”) including
four officers and no more than five directors. The directors are Communications Director,
Membership Director, Regional Director, Service Director and Director at Large. The
number of directors shall be determined by the RFQFA. There are no requirements for
the board members (other than the Chair) to be Rotarians.
Section 5.2. Terms for officers and directors are staggered every two years and are
eligible for reelection when their term has expired or until a successor is elected. Terms
shall commence on July 1 of the calendar year elected and end on June 30 of the terminal
Proviso: Current officers will remain as officers until the 2022 Rotary International
Section 5.3. The officers shall perform the duties and functions usually attached to the title
of their respective office, together with such other duties as may be prescribed by the
RFQFA’s Board of Directors. Job duties shall be outlined in the Policies and Procedures.
Section 6.1. An annual meeting of the members in good standing shall take place during
the RI Convention each year, or elsewhere as determined by the RFQFA’s Board of
Directors. At this meeting, the installation of incoming directors and officers and other
business shall take place. The exact date, time, and location of the annual meeting of the
members shall be set by the Board of Directors and announced to the members at least 30
days prior to the meeting.
Section 6.2. An annual meeting of the incoming RFQFA’s Board of Directors shall take
place immediately following the annual meeting of the members.
Section 6.3. The membership shall meet a minimum of six times annually or at the
discretion of the Board of Directors.
Section 6.4. The Board of Directors shall meet a minimum of six times annually or at the
discretion of the Board of Directors.
Section 6.5. Quorum of members present at any meeting shall be 20 members.
Section 6.6 The Board can conduct business between meetings via electronic means.
The vote will be ratified in the minutes at the next regularly-scheduled meeting.
Section 7.1. A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the RFQFA’s Board of Directors
and so indicated in a notice to the members. Notice sent by mail or transmitted via email to
the last known address of the members shall be considered good and sufficient notice. The May 22, 2021 RFQFA Bylaws 3 of 5
Nominating Committee shall receive nominations for expiring officer and director positions
until a specified deadline, whereupon nominations shall be closed. The Nominating
Committee may also offer its own nominees for election. All nominees must indicate their
willingness to serve by a specified deadline to be considered valid nominees for election.
Section 7.2. The names of the nominees for officer and director positions shall be distributed
electronically to the members at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting of the members.
Section 7.3. The slate of officers and directors shall be presented at the Annual Meeting.
Further nominations can be made from the floor. If there is only one candidate per office, the
vote may be taken by voice. If there is more than one nominee for a position, the vote will
be taken by poll. The candidate with the most votes will be declared elected.
Section 7.4. Officers-elect of the RFQFA will serve as non-voting members of the Board of
Directors until their term of office begins on the next July 1.
Section 7.5. A vacancy in the RFQFA’s Board of Directors, or any office, shall be filled by
appointment by the RFQFA Board of Directors.
Section 7.6. A director or officer may be removed from office for just cause by a two-thirds
vote of the RFQFA’s Board of Directors, or, by a two-thirds vote of the membership. An
officer or director’s right of a hearing to challenge the removal is detailed in the Policies and
The RFQFA shall have standing committees as specified in the Policies and Procedures.
The Board of Directors may appoint additional standing and special committees as
needed to carry on the business of the RFQFA.
Section 9.1. The fiscal year of the RFQFA shall be the same as the Rotary year, July 1
through June 30.
Section 9.2. The RFQFA’s dues shall be set by the Board of Directors and shall be due on
July 1 of each year and payable in US dollars.
Section 9.3. Funds shall be deposited in a financial institution approved by the Board of
Directors. The treasurer is in charge of the finances. All payments must be authorized by
two officers as determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 9.4. Publication of the annual report of activities and financial statement reports will
be presented annually to members and a copy is sent to RI as required each year.
Except as otherwise provided in these bylaws, meetings of the board (and/or
membership) can be conducted through use of internet meeting services, designated by
the Chair (and/or board) that support visible displays identifying those participating, those
seeking recognition to speak, showing (or permitting the retrieval of) the text of pending
motions, allowing members to vote, and showing the results of votes.
Section 11.1. The RFQFA shall comply with Rotary International’s policies for Rotary
Fellowships, as set forth in the Rotary Code of Policies. The Rotary Fellowship’s Board of
Directors and Executive Officers shall familiarize themselves with these policies and any
amendments to these policies as adopted by the RI Board of Directors from time to time.
Section 11.2 These bylaws shall be reviewed every three years.
Section 11.3. These bylaws may be amended as follows: Any member may propose a
change to these bylaws by submitting the proposed change to the RFQFA Secretary. The
Secretary will forward the proposed change to the members of the Board for their review.
Within 30 days the Chair shall call a meeting of the Board to discuss and vote on the
proposed change. If the change is approved by the Board, the Secretary will send an
electronic ballot listing each bylaw amendment, within ten days, to the membership. The
members shall have ten days to return the ballot to the Secretary. An affirmative vote of
two-thirds of the membership received is necessary to amend these bylaws. Amendments
to these bylaws must be consistent with the RI Constitution, RI Bylaws and the Rotary
Code of Policies.
Section 12.1. The RFQFA is committed to maintaining an environment that is free of
harassment. Harassment is broadly defined as any conduct, verbal or physical, that
denigrates, insults or offends a person or group based on any characteristic (age,
ethnicity, race, color, abilities, religion, socioeconomic status, culture, sex, sexual
orientation or gender identity).
All members and individuals attending or participating in the RFQFA’s meetings, events
or activities should expect an environment free of harassment and shall help maintain an
environment that promotes safety, courtesy, dignity, and respect to all. All allegations of
criminal activity should be referred to appropriate local law enforcement authorities.
Section 12.2 The RFQFA shall promptly address allegations of harassment brought
before it and shall not retaliate against those making the allegation. The Board, or a
committee appointed by the Chair for this purpose, shall review and respond to each
allegation of harassment within a reasonable timeframe, typically one month. If the Chair
or other leaders of the RFQFA is/are the alleged offender, the immediate past chair (or
most recent chair), directly or by appointment of a committee for this purpose, shall review
and respond to the allegation. If the alleged offender is a member of the RFQFA’s Board, May 22, 2021 RFQFA Bylaws 5 of 5
he or she is expected to recuse himself or herself from the discussion. The review and/or
investigation shall be dependent on the circumstances including the severity and
pervasiveness of the behavior.
The RFQFA shall report allegations of harassment to the alleged offender’s Rotary Club
President and District Governor.
Section 12.3 The RFQFA shall protect the safety and wellbeing of all youth participating
in its activities and comply with Rotary International’s youth protection policies.
Membership or affiliation shall not be granted to a person who is known to have engaged
in sexual abuse or harassment or who is prohibited from being a member of a Rotary
Bylaws Committee: Marilyn Raymer, Vicki Walter, Diana Barden, Cheryl Minshew, Helena Daniels, Esther
Arlan, Rosemary Everett, Kathy Flamson and Sharon Cheadle
Adopted: May 22, 2021