“…Just as the pieces of the quilt are sewn together with interlocking stitches, all people are linked together in the fabric of our world. In a way, the patchwork quilt represents all the different people of the world. We are individual in our attitudes,

The Global Networking Groups is a structured program of Rotary International that comprises more than 90 independent Rotary Fellowships and Rotarian Action Groups. Rotary clubs foster a unique sense of fellowship among members. On the international level, the worldwide community of Rotarians includes many who share the same interests or vocations. Rotary Fellowships enable these members to communicate, exchange information and ideas, and to build relationships.
The purpose of this Rotary Fellowship is to promote the sharing of ideas and new techniques for members who enjoy the use of fabrics as an art form. It will also promote an appreciation of quilts and fiber arts in all cultures throughout our history.
The Rotarian Fellowship of Quilters and Fiber Artists is a group dedicated to promoting quilting and fiber arts as an opportunity for fellowship and service. This fellowship operates in accordance with Rotary International policy, but is not an agency of, or controlled by Rotary International.
This fellowship is an avenue of providing help to those in need, such as: tactile quilts for the blind, warm quilts for children who are in the care of social services because of neglect or abuse, and quilts or fabric toys to comfort children in countries that have experienced war, famine or other disasters.